Blogging Tips


Tips to Help Balance Blogging and a 9 to 5

It may not look like it from the outside, but there is so much work that goes in to publishing a single blog post. If you’re a blogger, you know the struggle is real! From writing and editing copy to formatting posts for your site, selecting and editing photos, creating Pinterest and social promo graphics, updating and scheduling your newsletter and keeping up with daily social media posts and engaging on the platforms…it’s A LOT!!!

Some have managed to turn their blogs into full time careers. If you’re one of those lucky few, cheers! But the vast majority of bloggers, myself included, pour their hearts and souls into their blogs while also balancing a 9-5 job. And let me tell ya, it isn’t always easy!

I work in New York as a discovery attorney on a contract basis. It does offer a ton of flexibility, but when I have a project I often work crazy hours so traveling takes a back seat and it becomes more challenging to keep up with all my blogging tasks.

There are some days I get home from work and just want to do my nails and chill. Other times, I draw a blank on what to write about or panic when I don’t have an Insta-worthy pic to post. I’m not always 100% consistent, although that’s something I’m really working on this year, and my posts aren’t always perfect, but week in and week out I manage to make it work.

After three years on this wild blogging journey, I haven’t given up yet thanks in part to implementing a few simple strategies. Below are the 9 tips that have helped me balance blogging and a 9 to 5 job;

1. Get familiar with late nights and weekend work

If you work a 9 to 5, your daytime hours are occupied. That means you’re going to have to get used to dedicating nights and weekends to your blog. It’s not always easy, but if you love what you’re doing it will be worth it. And if you get good at block scheduling and batching (more on that below) you’ll be able to use your time more efficiently.  

2. Try block Scheduling & batching

When you’re balancing a full time job and a blog, time management is KEY. One way to make the most of this precious commodity is to carve out a chunk of time to get a majority of your work done. So for example, you could block out 3 hours one night a week and batch out all your posts for the month. You could dedicate another block of time to shooting content, photo editing, creating Pinterest graphics, etc. The more you can get done in one sitting, the better. Tackling one category at a time will help you stay focused and be more productive.

3. Plan your Instagram posts in advance

This is another task you could batch out in advance, but I just wanted to emphasize what a game changer this is! I have gone through phases where I would have to scramble to find a photo to post. If I had just returned from a trip, I might have plenty of photos to choose from, but I hadn’t edited them yet or put any thought into how to arrange them. It caused so much unnecessary stress and was such an inefficient use of my time. It also led to a scattered looking feed. Not a good look!

The better method? Pick one destination (if you’re a travel blogger) to highlight and select 9-12 photos to drip out over time. If you blog about another topic, you’ll want to focus heavily on your edits to create cohesion. Editing your photos in one sitting and planning out the order of your posts in advance helps build a seamless feed. I use the Color Story app to arrange my photos, but there are a ton of others. I also like to plan out my captions and hashtags in advance. It may sound tedious, but it is such a time saver!

4. Utilize an editorial calendar

Using an editorial calendar to plan out your blog posts in advance ensures your content gets spread out evenly throughout the year and reduces the risk of writer’s block. It is also helpful for planning out sponsored content and seasonal posts. I created an editorial calendar and some other useful templates at the beginning of the year to help with all you content planning needs. You can download them for free below!

5. Recycle old content

The reality is, there will be some weeks where you’re just not at your best. Don’t beat yourself up about it! When you hit a creativity slump, revisit some of your old content that performed well and find a way to rework it. Either update and re-post or pull out a portion and create a new piece of content around that. For example, if you wrote and entire city guide, pick out a few sections like “where to stay” or “where to eat” and turn those into brand new posts.

6. Create graphic templates

Rather than creating new Pinterest and social promo graphics for each post, design a few templates that are on brand so that all you’ll have to do is update the photos. It not only makes life easier, it helps build consistency and brand recognition. Programs like Canva and Over are great for this! You can also outsource some of your design work using Fiverr.

7. Surround yourself with supporters

Having a few cheerleaders in your corner can do wonders. Whether they’re friends, family or fellow bloggers, it’s important to have a supportive community. Facebook groups are also great for this! A few groups that I have gotten a lot out of are Girl vs. Globe, Boss Girl Creative and the Influencer Podcast. I’m also a huge fan of blogging and business podcasts. They help keep me motivated and often spark new ideas. The Influencer Podcast by Julie Solomon, Boss Girl Creative by Taylor Bradford and The GaryVee Audio Experience by Gary Vaynerchuck are some good ones to start with.

8. Learn to unplug

I used to feel guilty when the weekend rolled around and I wasn’t spending hours working on my blog. But burnout is real and lately, I’ve recognized the importance of carving out some time to unwind and unplug. I typically have less engagement on the weekends so rather than posting photos, I usually share what I’m up to in a few Instagram stories and call it a day. I’m still engaging, but it also gives me a bit of a break which we all need every now and then!

9. Get your mind right

It’s so important to get clear about your “why”, meaning the reason you started your blog in the first place. It should be something bigger than you. If you’re not genuinely passionate about your blog and the purpose behind it, you’re going to burn out FAST! This doesn’t mean you won’t experience seasons of doubt or need to take a break from time to time. But you should genuinely be excited about what you’re doing even when it’s hard.

Don’t get me wrong, it can get discouraging. Especially when you feel like you’re putting in all this time and effort with little to show for it while other bloggers who started 5 minutes ago have already ditched their 9 to 5 and “made it.” STOP RIGHT THERE! Comparing yourself to others does nothing but kill your spirit. It’s about the long game, love.

Block out all the noise and distractions and keep writing, keep creating, keep sharing. Just. Keep. Going! If you love what you’re doing and it brings you joy, that’s enough and it’s so worth it!

Are you a blogger with full time job? What are some of your tips for balancing the two? I’d love to hear your comments!


9 Tips to Balance Blogging and a 9 to 5
Tips to Balance Blogging and a 9 to 5

Feature photo source

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