2019 is coming to a close, which means it’s time to reflect on the year gone by and look ahead at what’s to come!
I’m always so grateful when I look back on the year at all I’ve been able to see and do. I know I’m fortunate to have the ability to travel as much as I do. I don’t ever take that for granted. I managed to squeeze in 13 getaways into the last 12 months. As you’ll see, each one was special for different reasons.
I’ve done a travel recap post the last few years and decided to keep the tradition alive. So here goes, my 2019 travel recap plus a look ahead at some of my plans for 2020!

London: The year started off on a somber note when my father and I traveled to London to attend my aunt’s funeral. I didn’t realize my trip there the previous November would end up being the last time I saw her. But I’m grateful for the time I got to spend with her before she passed.
Despite being a sad occasion, my amazing family managed to find the silver lining and make it a celebratory weekend that not only honored my beautiful aunt, but put into perspective just how precious life and family is.

Boyne, Michigan: In early February my Russian and 20 of our friends hit the road and headed to Boyne for our 2nd annual ski trip! Fortunately, this year the weather cooperated and we enjoyed 2 days of great skiing!
Related Post:
Packing List: Boyne, Michigan Ski Trip

Belgium: In March some close friends invited the Russian and I to join them on their trip to Belgium. I don’t usually like repeating destinations, but it’s always fun to travel with friends. We were there 3 days and managed to see Bruges, Brussels and Ghent. It’s hard to pick a favorite between the 3, but Bruges just holds a special place in my heart!
Related Posts:
Top 8 Things to See and Do in Belgium
24 Hours in Brussels, Belgium
How to Spend A Weekend in Belgium
Checking into Hotel Amigo

Hawaii: When my friends Aubrey asked if I wanted to join her in Kauai for a few days, I didn’t hesitate! Hawaii is my favorite place on earth and Kauai happens to be my favorite island! And since I don’t get to see Aub very often, it was a no brainer! We enjoyed 3 relaxing days sipping Mai Tai’s, lounging by the beach and exploring the beautiful island!
I ended up getting stuck there an extra day due to oversold fights, which gave me the chance to squeeze in one last day at the beach!
Related Posts:
First Timer’s Guide to Kauai
Packing List: Hawaii Girls’ Trip
First Timer’s Guide to Oahu’s North Shore
Packing List: Hawaii in the Winter

Venice: In May, I was honored to be invited along with 5 other bloggers to Venice by the LivItaly Tour travel company. We got to experience their exclusive night tour of the San Marco Basilica. We got to explore areas of the are typically off limits to tourists including the crypts! It was truly a once in a lifetime experience! LivItaly offers tours throughout Italy, so if you have a trip coming up, I highly recommend signing up for a tour!
Related Post:
First Timer’s Guide to Venice
A Night Tour of Saint Mark’s Basilica with LivItaly

Boston: The 2nd annual Travel Con was held in Boston this year. After having such a great time at the first one, I was excited to go back and reunite with friends and learn a ton of great info. It did not disappoint! I had such a fun weekend and I’m already looking forward to next year’s conference taking place in New Orleans in May!
Related Post:
Day Trip: The Best of Boston

Long Island Vineyards: Ever since moving to New York in 2011, I’ve been wanting to visit the vineyards out on Long Island. This summer I finally got my chance when my friend Rachael and I took a day trip and toured three different wineries. We stopped at Osprey’s Dominion, the Pugliese Vineyard and Baiting Hollow Farm & Vineyard and and enjoyed a tasting at each.
Related Post:
Day Trip: Long Island Winery Tour

Dominican Republic: I’m fortunate to have been able to celebrate my birthday in some amazing places over the years – Costa Rica, Brazil, Spain and Italy to name a few. I truly know I’m one lucky girl! This year, I just wanted to relax on a beautiful beach, so my Russian treated me to a long weekend in the Dominican Republic. Just a few carefree days of beach bumming, eating delicious food and sipping endless cocktails. It was just perfect!
Related Posts:
Why Your Next Trip Should Be To The Dominican Republic
Why I’m Spending My Birthday In The Dominican Republic

Portugal: My Russian’s birthday is a month after last mine and to celebrate, we ventured to Portugal. Rather than running around and sightseeing, he wanted to take things easy so we found an adorable bed & breakfast down on the coast and spent 3 wonderful days relaxing on the beach, eating delicious seafood and sipping local brews. It was a short trip, but oh so sweet!
Related Posts:
11 Reasons to Add Lisbon to Your Bucket List
Day Trip: Sintra, Portugal

Morocco: I flew straight from Portugal to Marrakech where I met up with 9 others to celebrate my friend Rachael’s 40th birthday. Our group spent 7 glorious days exploring beautiful Morocco. 3 days in Marrakech, 3 more in the coastal town of Essaouira and we ended our trip with a magical night in the Agafay desert. This was the longest trip I had taken in a while and the first time I’ve felt challenged by travel in quite some time. It was nothing short of amazing!
Related Posts:
First Timer’s Guide To Morocco: What To Know Before You Go
Packing List: What to Wear in Morocco
The 9 Best Riads in Marrakech
Tips for Shopping In Morocco: What to Buy And How to Bargain
What to See and Do In Marrakech: An Itinerary For Your First Trip
Tips For Spending A Weekend In Essaouira
Checking Into La Pause Luxury Desert Camp

Singapore: A day after returning from Morocco, my Russian suggested we check out Singapore for a few days. Not one to turn down an adventure, I immediately accepted! After 20 hours in transit, we landed in Singapore! We spent the next three days sightseeing and sampling the local cuisine. My mouth still waters when I think about the spicy Szechuan wanton soup I had for breakfast at the Chinatown Street Market!

Puerto Rico: I didn’t do any traveling in October or November and instead spent that time working and enjoying weekends at home in Indy. But once December rolled around, I was ready to go!
I attended the 1st annual Sisterhood Summit in San Juan Puerto Rico. Despite some pre-conference nerve, I ended up having a wonderful time and met some truly inspiring women!
Related Post:
Takeaways From The Sisterhood Summit

Scotland: One week after Puerto Rico, my Russian and I took our annual holiday getaway. Our plan was to visit Dublin for 2 days and return home just in time for Christmas.
Oversold flights forced a last minute change of plans and we ended up visiting Edinburgh, Scotland for 1 day! It was a bit of a whirlwind, but fun nonetheless! We finished up our last minute Christmas shopping and made it home just in time to enjoy the holidays with family.

2019 was a great year filled with friends and fun and lots of travel. I’m already excited for what 2020 has in store. We’re planning to visit South Africa the first week of January, which will kick off the new year with a bang!
Fearless is my word for 2020 so in addition to more amazing travel, I also want to make a conscious effort to take more risks and leave my insecurities behind.
What are you most looking forward to in 2020? What are some of your highlights from 2019? Share your comments below!
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